Shawn Condon

Software Engineer

SoundLift, LLC


Project Highlights

The Power of LiveView

Landing and product info page for SoundLift, LLC.

An all-Elixir web application in production!

Dynamic UI Components

Implemented dynamically rendered accordion dropdown menus in all FAQ sections, improving user experience and information accessibility.

Advanced Features and Optimizations

  • Architected navigation logic for parent/children live views and site routing, enhancing overall application structure.
  • Implemented image storage via AWS S3 and CloudFront CDN to significantly increase page load speed and improve user experience.
  • Successfully onboarded developers unfamiliar with the Elixir/Phoenix/Ecto/LiveView/Tailwind ecosystem, facilitating team expansion and knowledge sharing.
Project Capstone

Technologies Used

Client Side

  • JS Interop

Server Side

  • Phoenix/LV


  • Tailwind

